Prenatal Physiotherapy

Urinary incontinence and pelvic girdle pain are common in pregnancy but should NOT be considered normal side effects. Learn how to connect with your changing body, pelvic floor + core throughout pregnancy to move confidently, manage, or alleviate urine leaks and pelvic girdle pain.
- Strategies to reduce pressure on your growing belly and pelvic floor (diaphragm)
- How to manage bladder and bowel symptoms
- If you have diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
- How to manage low back, pelvic girdle, pubic symphysis, tailbone and hip pain
- Exercise modifications throughout each trimester
- The literature behind perineal massage and techniques to optimize lengthening and opening of the pelvic floor
- Exercises and movements for optimal baby positioning
- Pain management strategies and positioning for labour
- Pre Caesarean or “just in case” Caesarean birth education (movement, posture and pain management strategies, supporting your incision)
- How to navigate the early postpartum recovery period (0-8 weeks) post vaginal or Caesarean birth
Your individualized assessment & treatment may include the following:
- A comprehensive medical, bladder and bowel history
- An assessment of your spine, pelvic girdle and/or hips and external manual therapy techniques
- External and internal pelvic floor (diaphragm) muscle evaluations
- Bracing & pelvic girdle supports
- Kinesio tape.
- Review of perineal massage
- Individual strategies about maintaining connection to on your pelvic floor + core with movement and exercise
When should I attend during pregnancy?
- Anytime!
- Trimester checks: 1st visit between 12-20 weeks, 2nd visit between 21-27 weeks, and 3rd visit between 28-36 weeks
- Third Trimester: 1st visit between 28-31 weeks, 2nd visit between 32-36 weeks. If you are attending 35 + weeks, it is recommended to schedule a 90 or 120 minute extended length initial assessment
All virtual & in-clinic physiotherapy sessions are provided by a registered physiotherapist, with courses specifically in Female Pelvic Health Physiotherapy. The sessions are 1:1 and there is a private, closed-door treatment room. Please note virtual appointment are for residents of Manitoba only, and perineal evaluations will not be completed virtually.
Tryna is happy collaborate with other certified perinatal heath, birth and fitness professionals who are involved in your postpartum care and recovery. Looking to add a professional to your support team? Feel free to contact the clinic for recommendations!